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8 things to do on a rainy day

8 things to do on a rainy day
17/02/2017 23:24

Sur le blog Wonder fashion

8 things to do on a rainy day

You know when you wake up and see that it's pouring rain outside, the kind of rain that lasts for hours, if not all day long? For some people this is relaxing and for others it can mean the end pf the world, especially if they had planned an outdoor activity. However, there are numerous other activites you can do indoors in a situation like this, I gathered a few ideas that I used in the past and they really worked for me, in the sense that my dark mood was lifted and I felt productive, therefor satisfied! Here are 8 things you can do on a rainy day (or when you are bored): 1. Catch up with your reading! I often leave my lectures behind when I am...

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