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Why You SHOULD Do Things That Really Scare You #SaturdayShareLinkUp

Why You SHOULD Do Things That Really Scare You #SaturdayShareLinkUp
29/09/2017 21:24

Sur le blog Not Dressed As Lamb

Why You SHOULD Do Things That Really Scare You #SaturdayShareLinkUp

Oh, what a week...! Currently I'm having a major panic about an important event I'm speaking at next week, and there's nothing worse than feeling unprepared. Now I've always really rather enjoyed public speaking. I know that's strange - most people would probably rather stab themselves in the eye with a fork than get up in front of a group of people and deliver a talk. I used to be a teacher so was used to talking to a group of about 30 young adults. I was also a staff trainer at a London store where I sometimes trained the whole team, about 50 at a time. I've also given a couple of blogging talks, one where I talked for an hour and a...

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