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It's Ireland's largest lingerie section, I understand. I read that... somewhere.

It's Ireland's largest lingerie section, I understand. I read that... somewhere.
06/11/2017 22:54

Sur le blog But it can't be from Dolly Clackett. She gave me an Easter egg!

It's Ireland's largest lingerie section, I understand. I read that... somewhere.

Hello boys and girls! Again, it has been a while, but that's just the craic there. Life has been busy recently, as it often is - but here are some highlights since I wrote last time: Belfast International Airport sees your concerns about stereotyping and waves some anthropomorphised potatoes in your face. Nic and I had a few days in Northern Ireland last month, which was lovely. It was a fairly last-minute decision to go home, and it was a lot of fun. We caught up with all the nephews, spent time hanging out with my parents and even managed to fit in meeting up with my best friend and her new baby. It was a lot to pack in to four days. I'm still getting...

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