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You’ve seen them, the rappers, the rap singers. They’re on the on a lot of the adverts now. It might be a sausage, or some wool or something, and there’ll be a rap about it, about how good the s

You’ve seen them, the rappers, the rap singers. They’re on the on a lot of the adverts now. It might be a sausage, or some wool or something, and there’ll be a rap about it, about how good the s
20/09/2018 03:22

Sur le blog But it can't be from Dolly Clackett. She gave me an Easter egg!

You’ve seen them, the rappers, the rap singers. They’re on the on a lot of the adverts now. It might be a sausage, or some wool or something, and there’ll be a rap about it, about how good the s

Hello my loves! And how is September treating you all? I am still slightly in denial that it even is September, despite it being the 19th... it is often a trying month (despite it containing my birthday) and this September is no different, unfortunately. Still, there are lots of bright spots. We booked a holiday. My sister had a baby so I have a new nephew (his name is Noah and he is so squishy and perfect.) We bought some new pillows at the weekend that claimed to be from the 'luxury hotel collection' and I can confirm that they are extremely soft and fluffy. These are all good things. We have been doing an autumnal equivalent of spring-cleaning in our flat, which...

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 • Langue : Anglais

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