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The Impact of Your Wardrobe: Why Your Wardrobe Costs the Earth

The Impact of Your Wardrobe: Why Your Wardrobe Costs the Earth
17/10/2018 16:41

Sur le blog Amy-Lee Haynes

The Impact of Your Wardrobe: Why Your Wardrobe Costs the Earth

I think everyone and their Granny have watched the recent Stacey Dooley documentary on the impact of fast fashion on the Earth and it's been an eye-opener for us all. Ever since starting my journey in cutting down on my plastic use, the concept of how unsustainable the fashion industry is has been looming over me and now I think it's time for me and everyone to face the facts - your wardrobe is costing the Earth. What is actually happening? The fashion industry is the 2nd most polluting industry after oil. Through overusing water, fossil fuels and toxic chemicals, including dyes. According to Fashion Revolution , if the fashion industry...

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