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Pants! Pants! Pants! Pant-Pants!

Pants! Pants! Pants! Pant-Pants!
20/12/2011 05:57

Sur le blog The Suburb Experiment

Pants! Pants! Pants! Pant-Pants!

I imagine the title of this post sung as the chorus to that charming song, Shots. Which I will now be singing for the rest of the day. Ugh.These aren't the exact TEXTILE Elizabeth and James pants I was coveting back in June but I found these other ones on major clearance at Shopbop recently. Merry Christmas to me! I've pretty much worn them every day since they came in the mail. Some might think that they look like pajama pants, but my brain gets around this by thinking: "But they were originally $160. Totally not jammies."I'm an expert rationalizer. I even sometimes provide it as a free service to others.jacket, bag, and choker - thriftedFree People sweaterTEXTILE...

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