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Version françaiseEnglish version
07/01/2012 09:06

Sur le blog Amy Nelson

I am sitting in my bedroom, my hair feels like it's been swallowed by the ocean, because it's wet from my bath. There's a teacup on the counter, and I need buckets to get rid of the clothes that call my floor their home. I am craving a nap, but I know the carpets aren't like stars, they won't sparkle on their own. If only I came upon a magic bottle, one that could grant me three wishes, I would surely ask for an unblemished room, forevermore. Lately, I've been living in my imagination, causing myself to search for maps and compasses that lead me home. Our minds are a wild thing, we're always roaming with or without hoof prints or trails. Many moons, I have sat on a...

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 • Photos : 11

 • Langue : Anglais

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