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Buns and crops - OOTD

Buns and crops - OOTD
29/01/2014 09:54

Sur le blog ohmy Olivia

Buns and crops - OOTD

So I just realized that I'm looking at the floor in every single one of these photos. Whoops, standard blogger pose right there. The reason I'm inside for these is due to the incredible fog which has surrounded campus. If anyone else is Vancouver-based you'll be able to identify - this weather is absolutely insane! Walking to classes is literally like walking through a cloud, so I've had to start tying my hair up because #curlygirlprobs to the max. Also, wearing scarves etc just isn't working out well, as all the water vapour in the air is causing a constant dampness. Someone needs to offer 'fog-wear' - I mean, we have winter wear, rain gear, summer outfits... But...

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 • Votes Look : 0
 • Photos : 6

 • Langue : Anglais

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