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perrenial favorite: vintage skirt

perrenial favorite: vintage skirt
11/04/2012 02:05

Sur le blog Blue Collar Catwalk

perrenial favorite: vintage skirt

Each year when I unpack my seasonal clothing, there's a lot of editing. There's are always several items that I deem "so five minutes ago" and cast to the Goodwill box in a heartbeat. Then, there's the items that I may or may not wear this year, so I'll wait until the end of the season to get rid of them. Then, there's the pieces that make me stop and smile the minute they're unearthed. The pieces that are truly special and will surely stand the test of time. These pieces remind me of the importance of shopping with intention, because the more I wear a piece, the better value it holds.This vintage skirt is one of those pieces. I wore it a handful of times last...

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