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So what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?

So what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?
12/03/2014 03:09

Sur le blog The Secondhand Years

So what's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?

There is a lot to do this week as we head towards Saturday's jumble sale. I always have some anxieties about whether enough jumble will come in, but so far, the mountain of donations looks good, and there are two more days to go. Can't vouch for the quality, but there sure is quantity. It seems to work for Primark... Look at me, all Little House on the Prairie. After chilly starts, the last few days have been beautifully sunny. I've had washing on the line, the garden is blooming in a modest sort of way, the cats are racing and chasing, and a heron came to visit, to check out my neighbour's pond and the eight fish...

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 • Photos : 9

 • Langue : Anglais

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