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Dear Frannie Friday--Kids Say the Darndest Things

Dear Frannie Friday--Kids Say the Darndest Things
19/09/2014 07:30

Sur le blog FranniePantz

Dear Frannie Friday--Kids Say the Darndest Things

After talking about Conner's recent funny statement yesterday, I started thinking about the other kids and their funny little sayings. Like my daughter, for example, who had the weirdest phrases for things. First of all, she couldn't pronounce "w" for some reason. She would replace it with a "y" sound. So window was "yindow". She also would randomly duplicate things like she called slippers "slip-ips" and fingers were "fing-fings". She wouldn't say "my", everything was "mine" so "my fingers" would be "mine fing-fings". I remember my mom telling me about a time when I was about three years old sitting at the table, and I vaguely remember this...

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